Now that you’re working from home and it’s harder to effectively work together with your team, how can you still be productive?
Tag Archives: agile
Planning poker is the basis for an efficient sprint planning. Make the most of your sprint and bring the fun factor into your team…
MijnDomein looked for a way to present the work to the rest of the company in a more visible and understandable way.
We know that one size doesn’t fit all. Not all teams work the same. Each individual brings his of her own share to the group and defines it. It doesn’t come as a surprise that not all existing PATboard products will comply with the needs of each and every single agile team. With years of […]
Scrum in education, changing the classroom I’m a teacher at the Saxion University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. We use scrum in several student projects and this works very well. So this is an article about how scrum is changing education, based on my own experiences. After a short introduction to scrum (so skip first […]